Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Open Source Software

I read a blog by Kris Reeves today about open source software, and I had to respond. He makes the case that open source software can't be good because of how it is developed. Well Kris, there are some folks who would like a word with you.

Open source may not be perfect, but there are many examples of successful software packages out there. The idea that open source is only for programmers is downright silly. Open source is about involving the users, and the community. Feedback, suggestions, bug trackers, and the like all contribute to enabling the users to help the development of software packages.

Big companies like Google have seen the merits of the paradigm and bought in with efforts like Android. You've heard about that, haven't you? Maybe you don't have a cell phone. Every day more and more OSS projects are making their way into the hands of end users, and everyone benefits. It's the attitude of people like you that hurts us the most. Instead of criticizing open source, you should be participating in it.

Your usability claims hold no water either. My wife and kids use Ubuntu exclusively and they have no trouble browsing the web, doing their homework, watching videos, whatever. In short, your blog is a waste of time, and I would like to request that you please return the time spent by anyone who reads it to them. Thanks.

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